Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sábado 16 de enero

Sleeping in until 8:30 was magnificent.
Breakfast was coffee (cafe), bread (pan), eggs (huevos), tomato juice (different than in the States, more sweet and less acidic, much better in my opinion).

A few days ago my family had so thoughtfully invited me to join them on their Saturday activity. Although I didn't totally understand what we were doing, I ecstatically agreed.

It was a bridal shower, birthday party, going away party all in one for Martha's friend's daughter. She is moving to the Texas where she will marry her fiancé in just a few weeks.

On our way, we stopped at a mall to grab a gift for the special lady (Bel or Anabela).

We drove out south of Quito into a very nice gated neighborhood inside Ciudad Jardín (Garden City). The party was in a reception room right through the gates. There were adorable decorations, and pictures of Bel and her fiancé all about the room. The room was lined with chairs and had a table with a cake one might see on Cake Boss, with a bra and panties created from fondat, and chocolate covered fruit on sticks.

Within the fruit on the sticks was yet another fruit I have never tried but loved. It is called uvilla! I'll post a pic.
Later in the evening Marco (my host dad) showed me their uvilla plant right outside their house! I had a fresh one from it and it was scrumptious and very sweet (muy dulce). My house has a lot of plants with beautiful flowers all around their house.

The party was a lot of fun, and even though I didn't understand everything, it was a blast and I am very thankful my family included me. A cute and kind of silly looking dog, named Mia Elizabeth was running around the party. She was very sweet and I enjoyed her company.

 There were games and other food including arroz con pollo, aka fried rice with peppers and chicken. There was a spot for pictures in which I was included in the one with my host family and Bel. These folks are so very sweet. Bel came and spoke with me for a while, as did her aunt and a few others. Everyone was very welcoming.
Bouquet throwing.
Can you spot the bouquet??

Each game's winner received a gift from the bride-to-be/birthday gal. In one of the games, a picture of Patrick Dempsey was posted to the wall with blank papers surrounding it. Each person put on lipstick before being blindfolded and turned a few times. We were to try to kiss McDreamy on the lips.
Vivi trying to plant a blind kiss
on McDreamy
I unexpectedly won this game by leaving my kiss mark the furthest from his lips. I won a conditioner! This was perfect because I need some and was planning to buy it on Monday. Around 4:30 the party winded down and we left to return home. We were all exhausted and I went straight to my room to take a nap, which lasted about two hours :)

Martha had started feeling pretty sick at the party and has slept since we got home :( I wish her well soon.

After my nap and a refreshing shower I had more bread with pineapple jam from the party with Vivi, my host sister. I talked with her and Marco for a while about places to visit in Ecuador. Vivi helped me call a taxi for my very early morning excursion tomorrow to Quilotoa. I am meeting Gaby and Carlee, (possibly others?) in a plaza in central Quito tomorrow morning at 6:45! Muy temprano.

It's 10:30 and I am already back in bed. Time to read and get more sleep before tomorrow's adventure.


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