Sunday, January 24, 2016

viernes 22 de enero

My morning began with papaya, coffee and juice. Probably also some bread but I can't recall.

Rosita and I spent the morning working on choreography with some students who are scheduled to perform Monday. She had me teach Maria Jose, one lovely chicita some ballet to Somewhere Over the Rainbow, another song the orchestra plays beautifully. We went upstairs to practice with the music and people seemed to be really excited seeing ballet. This type of dance is not popular here, nor is it very affordable when it is offered. I am happy to be able to share my passion with these students.

Since it was Friday, after recess we go to the nearby "park" (actually someone's giant backyard) to play games. Some teachers had me lead a few games and exercises with hula hoops. On the account of my broken Spanish, I misunderstood Rosita and the schedule. Apparently, I was supposed to stay back and help more with choreography and rehearsal. I was really bummed, not only because I messed up but also because I wanted more time to teach Maria Jose. After I returned to Sinamune, Maria Jose had to go back to class. I am hoping next week we can work more together.

The last few hours were more rehearsals, but the students were very tired and not so attentive. It was a struggle. I apologized to Rosita about earlier and thankfully she said, "No te preocupes" (don't wory about it). I still felt bitter at myself for it.

After 1, I went for lunch and beers with the other volunteers at Sinamune: Albita (Germany), Katy (Austria), and Martina (Switzerland) Christofer (works at Sinamune), and Jaime (who just left Sinamune for another job). We had encebollados again, my favorite food here besides the fruit, and shared a few beers. Pilsner is the main beer here. Katy had me try a chocolate-ey beer that was very rich and yet delicious. We sat around in the park for a while listening to music and talking. We listened to Katy's ipod and went around, each choosing a song. I was pleased to find I listened to a lot of the same music as the European girls (Tallest Man on Earth, Jose Gonzales, Amy Winehouse, Milky Chance, Shins, etc.) It was wonderful bonding time and pretty cool to be among people from only countries other than America.

At home I had amazing spaghetti with chicken, tomatoes, and greens. I was really exhausted from the day, and from being slightly burned again, so enjoyed a nice early bedtime at 9:30.


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