Saturday, January 16, 2016

Viernes 15 de enero

The weather was even more beautiful today. Most mornings begin pretty foggy but this morning was completely clear. The mountains were looking extra spectacular. 
Breakfast was pineapple, pan, and a strawberry smoothie ;)

Laundry day! Martha prepared the washer for me to throw my sheets and clothes into. This is great timing since I have officially been in Ecuador 1 week!
There was a small fire at work in the morning when a light outside exploded. But the students were led outside and a Profer (As the students say) used a fire extinguisher so all was fine.

Today was another day with tourists and a performance! Again I helped wish makeup and costume changes. I took more pictures today! I have some videos but those do not seem to load on here...I'll add them to facebook ;)
Me and the three dancers I help backstage 
Rosita! (the dance profer who I help)
The mask with two faces, representing seeing both
into the past and the future

Traditional Ecuadorian wear 
These two lovlies have been dating 8 years :)

After the performance, they open the store downstairs where all proceeds go directly to Sinamune. I purchased a beautiful scarf (bufanda), possibly alpaca, for only $3!! I may have to buy more from the store.

When the tourists left, we all went to a park nearby for a longer recess than normal. This happens each Friday. The park is actually someone's or some business' backyard and is right behind Sinamune. Many of the students played soccer (fútbol) while others played games with the occupational therapists. Rosita and I left early so she and Miguel, the tech man, could show me the last video of their big performance. This was the same as yesterday, only this time is was the whole show. Within the performance there were 2 songs which Rosita would like me to choreograph to for their next big performance. I am really excited about this and honored to have the opportunity. I wrote down the names so I could start this weekend. I also watched the dances Rosita wants me to help coordinate and rehearse with the students. One of which is "I like to move it, move it" from Madagascar. It is adorable.

After I finished watching, I joined Rosita upstairs where we danced salsa and merengue with the students. This was more informal than most days and was more of a free dance time. Rosita helped to teach me merengue, which is very, very fast but also very fun.

At 12:20 I was led downstairs to help with one of the classes. I think one of the profers quit today, if I understand correctly and so I took his class and helped them color for the last 40 minutes. The students are really sweet. I have trouble understanding their Spanish as I do everyones, but I was able to converse with them a bit. At 1, classes are over and we are all dismissed.

I was invited to get beers (bieles, is the slang for beer here) and lunch with one of the younger profers, Christopher and the volunteer from Germany (Alemania). Usually other volunteers join them, but both were gone adventuring today. We enjoyed the typical soup of the region, encebollado, that I had tried with Carlee and loved. Once again, it was served with lime and a squeezer, and popcorn and plantain chips to put in the soup. An odd but delicious addition. When one orders a beer here, it is typical to just order one for the table and share it. The waitress brought it to us with 3 little cups for sharing. We shared 2 beers and then made our way to a large park nearby. We stayed there for a few hours talking and enjoying the sun. There was a pack of about 6 or 7 gorgeous dogs (wild) that I couldn't take my eyes off. For wild dogs their coats were beautiful. Each was a different type and yet they found each other and stayed as a pack. I watched them roll in the grass, wander about the park together, also hump someones pet dog :( I can't recall the volunteer's name but she speaks English and helped translate when I couldn't follow what they were talking about. Around 5 we headed back towards Sinamune. I saw my bus, "Monserrat"and quickly said goodbye, which here is a kiss on a cheek.
**The thing about buses: the stops are suggested stops, and if you wave your hand at a bus, as if you were hailing a taxi, the bus will most likely stop. Similarly, when on the bus and you push the stop button, the bus will stop within the block anywhere.

Once back at my host house, I had dinner with my host sister, her boyfriend, and Martha. It was beans, rice, chicken nuggets, and fresh tomato juice. Delicious!

When I got to my room, my laundry was neatly folded on my made bed. This family is very sweet.

After a shower and a little chatting with Martha and my host dad Marco, I retired to my bedroom to read and sleep. I'll admit it, I forgot sunscreen on my face and was a little burnt from sitting in the park. This added to my tiredness and I was in bed before 11 :)


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